Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined in one.
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
pickleballrush logo
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Independence Township Community Center

11 School Court, Avella, PA 15312
1 indoor courts2 outdoor courtsLighted courtsNet, Paddles, Balls available
Court Board

Use this board to post any messages related to the court, engage with other users, respond to inquiries, and share your experiences or announcements.


In the air conditioned comfort of the Independence Township Community Center you will enjoy rousing games of Pickleball. Our court is clean, has great lighting and comfortable places to sit on the sidelines. We also have outdoor courts for Pickleball fun in the summer if you prefer to play outside.


$2.00 per person weekdays 10 am to 4 pm. After 5 pm fee is $5.00 per person for two or more hours.

Skill level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Drop-in schedule

Monday nights from 6 to 8 pm. You may schedule court time by calling 724-507-6448 if you can't make the Monday night games.


Contact person:

Rosemary J.


(724) 507-6448
11 School Court, Avella, PA 15312
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