Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined in one.
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
pickleballrush logo
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Library Park

19 Abbott St, Woburn, MA 01801
8 outdoor courts
Court Board

Use this board to post any messages related to the court, engage with other users, respond to inquiries, and share your experiences or announcements.


4 permanent courts and 4 courts that the portable nets could be set up as they are all lined. The courts are on Abbott street behind the Woburn public library. There is plenty of parking space.

Contact Woburn recreation department or person that was instrumental in getting courts built Noel Doherty (7812) 722-690.



The Fee for Woburn Residents is a suggested $25 donation per season! Non-Woburn Residents will be $25 fee per season.

Skill level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


We are in the process of working on lessons.

Drop-in schedule

A PlayTime Scheduler session MAY NOT be created for the 8am - 1pm time slot each day. The courts are reserved for supervised open play during those hours. Any time slot that is created in the morning on PlayTime Scheduler was created by our Pickleball Volunteers who are helping control the courts.


Contact person:

Noel Doherty


(781) 897-5805
19 Abbott St, Woburn, MA 01801
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