Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined in one.
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
icon ball Pickleball is a paddle sport that over the last 50-plus years
icon ball Pickleball is a mixture of a few different sports combined
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Olympic Valley Park/Squaw Valley Community Park

101 Olympic Vly Rd, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
3 outdoor courts
Court Board

Use this board to post any messages related to the court, engage with other users, respond to inquiries, and share your experiences or announcements.


Pickleball courts in the Squaw Valley Park used to consist of two courts established by local residents utilizing an overflow parking area. The past five years have seen an explosion in the popularity of the sport. AEC was retained by Placer County Parks Division to design new pickleball courts for an expanded facility.

Due to the high demand for pickleball, three new courts were recently installed in the lower parking lot of the Squaw Valley Community Park.


No fees

Skill level

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Drop-in schedule

Dawn to dusk


101 Olympic Vly Rd, Olympic Valley, CA 96146
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