To fully enjoy a game of pickleball, it’s important to wear what makes you feel comfortable. You can work up a sweat in short order, so wearing moisture wicking apparel is recommended. Many women will wear tennis style dresses and men will wear athletic shorts. Eye protection is recommended, as are shoes that will provide the support you need for a lot of side-to-side action.
Protecting the playing surface is important, so your footwear must not leave any marks or damage. As with most organized sports, wearing anything distracting or distasteful while playing pickleball is not allowed. Any writing, graphics or pictures on clothing or equipment must be in good taste.
3.1. Safety and distraction
A player may be required to change garments that are inappropriate.
3.2. Depictions
Graphics, insignias, pictures, and writing on apparel must be in good taste.
3.3. Footwear
Shoes must have soles that do not mark or damage the court’s playing surface.
3.4. Violation
The tournament director has the authority to enforce apparel changes. If the player refuses to comply with the apparel rules, the tournament director may declare a forfeiture of the match.